
Glazing Resources Annual Subscription Fee Schedule


  • All US Companies can create and maintain a free contact card on Glazing Resources

  • All US glass shops with annual sales under $25,000,000.00 get free access to the entire site including all features.

  • $450.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US shops with annual sales over $25,000,000.00.

  • $450.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US vendors supporting glass shops.

  • $700.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US general contractors.

  • $700.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US subcontractors.

  • $700.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US architects/designers.

  • $700.00 Annual Subscription fee for all US building owners/managers.

  • $700.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international glass shops.

  • $1,500.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international vendors supporting glass shops.

  • $1,500.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international general contractors.

  • $1,500.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international subcontractors.

  • $1,500.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international architects/designers.

  • $1,500.00 Annual Subscription fee for all international building owners/managers.

  • All US glass shops and vendors supporting glass shops get (5) seats with their subscription.

  • All other US companies as well as all international companies get (3) seats with their subscription 

    (a seat is a person accessing this website, meaning all US glass shops and all vendors supporting US glass shops can have up to (5) registered employees accessing the site at one time - all other registered companies can have up to (3) registered employees accessing the site at one time).
  • Additional seats are available at an annual rate of $75.00 per seat.

  • All payments are non-refundable.

  • All payments are in US dollars.

  • All subscriptions include unlimited access to all site features.

  • All subscription fees are due July 1 each year, all first-time subscriptions will be charged from the registration date up to June 30, all renewal subscriptions will be the annual fees shown above.


All rates are subject to change without notice


Glazing Resources Payment Options:

Venmo = @glazingresources

Zelle =


Check payable to Glazing Resources, LLC

Mailed to

P.O. Box 31667

Laughlin, NV 89028


You must include the registration company name the payment represents in the payment subject line.